Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike Lüdtke
Schloßwender Straße 1
30159 Hannover
30159 Hannover

Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike Lüdtke
Detecting, understanding and supporting emotional regulation in communicative dyads: In the context of language development, intercultural communication and speech, language and communication needs.
Leibniz Lab position
Overall direction of the Leibniz Lab for Relational Communication Research
Leibniz Lab research projects
- TALC: Tool for Analysing Language and Communication
- Hear Africa!: Bildungsteilhabe für hörbeeinträchtige Kinder in Afrika
Leibniz Lab graduate and postgraduate supervision
Postgraduate Supervision (PhD Theses)
- Polzin, C. (2019). Zum Performativen des frühen Dialogs. Eine Fallanalyse in einem tansanischen Waisenheim. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Lück, S. (2019). Das Zwischen im Dialog. Eine theoretische, empirische und praktische Annäherung anhand einer Untersuchung der frühen Mutter-Kind-Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Schütte, U. (2018). Das ,Fremde' im Kontext sprachlich-kultureller Diversität: Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Bansner, M. (2017). Die emotionale Regulation der Mutter-Kind-Dyade in ihrer Lebenslage. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Graduate Supervision (Master Theses)
- Wallbaum, M. (2022). Kindliche Spontansprachdaten interdisziplinär und nachhaltig nutzen - Konzeption der TALC-Datenbank mittels einer mehrperspektivischen Bedarfsanalyse
- Bornholt, L. (2022). Reliabilität manueller phonetischer Transkription kindlicher Spontansprache im TALC Projekt
- Bothe, E. (2021). Unterschiede zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen in Bezug auf die Entwicklung automatischer Spracherkennung für sprachtherapeutische Zwecke
- Schmidt, J.-F. (2019). Optimierung der automatischen Transkription für Sprache von Kindern zur Untersuchung des Spracherwerbs
Leibniz Lab publications
- Ehlert, H., Beaulac, E., Wallbaum, M., Gebauer, C., Rumberg, L., Ostermann, J., Lüdtke, U. (2023). Collecting and Annotating Natural Child Speech Data - Challenges and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Proceedings of the ESSV
- Lüdtke, U., Bornman, J., de Wet, F., Heid, U., Ostermann, J., Rumberg, L., van der Linde, J., & Ehlert, H. (2023). Multi-disciplinary perspectives on automatic analysis of children's language samples: Where do we go from here? Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 75(1), 1-12.
- Rumberg, L., Gebauer, C., Ehlert, H., Lüdtke, U. & Ostermann, J. (2022). Improving Phonetic Transcriptions of Children’s Speech by Pronunciation Modelling with Constrained CTC-Decoding. Proceedings INTERSPEECH -- 23th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 1357-1361.
- Rumberg, L., Gebauer, C., Ehlert, H., Wallbaum, M., Bornholt, L., Ostermann, J. & Lüdtke, U. (2022). kidsTALC: A Corpus of 3- to 11-year-old German Children’s Connected Natural Speech. Proceedings INTERSPEECH -- 23th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 5160-5164.
- Lüdtke, U., Ehlert, H. & Bornman, J. (2022). Emotions in the reception and production of oral texts: TALC as a relational research methodology of communicative dyads and context factors. In Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng (eds.). Handbook on Language and Emotion. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Rumberg, L., Ehlert, H., Lüdtke, U. & Ostermann, J. (2021). Age-Invariant Training for End-to-End Child Speech Recognition using Adversarial Multi-Task Learning. Proceedings INTERSPEECH -- 22th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 3850-3854.
- Polzin, C., Lüdtke, U., Semkiwa, J., Frank, B. (2017). And Then I Belonged. Relational Communication Therapy in a Remote Tanzanian Orphanage. In: Daniel, St. & Trevarthen, C. (Eds.): Rhythms of Relating in Children's Therapies (339-358). London: Jessica Kingsley.
Academic Qualifications
2005 Habilitation (Postdoc. thesis) Speech-Language Pathology, University of Bremen 1997 Phd in Special Education (Speech-Language Pathology), University of Cologne 1992 M.Ed. in Special Education / Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cologne 1989 B.A. in Special Education / Speech-Language Pathology, University of Cologne
Working Experience
since 2009 Professor at Leibniz University Hannover, Faculty of Humanities, Institute for Special Education, Department of Speech and Language Pedagogy and Therapy since 2008 Visiting professor at the Tumaini University, Sebastian Kolowa University College (SeKUCo); Institute for Special Needs Education and Inclusion/Speech Language Pathology’, Tansania 2008-2009 Visiting Professor Speech-Language Pathology, Rostock University 2004-2008 Visiting Professor Speech-Language Pathology, Humboldt-University Berlin 1999-2005 Research Assistant University of Bremen; Special Education, Research project: "Language and Emotion" 1997-1999 Director teaching seminar, special education, Duisburg 1994-1997 Special Needs Teacher, School for Special Needs (Communication Disorders), Duisburg
Leibniz Lab Research Interests
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Communication, Language and Emotion