Participating Institutes and Researchers
Leibniz University Hannover
Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike Luedkte: Institute for Special Education, Department of Speech and Language Pedagogy & Therapy
Dr. Bodo Frank: Insitute for Special Education, Department of Speech and Language Pedagogy & Therapy
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joern Ostermann: Institute for Information Processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bodo Rosenhahn: Institute for Information Processing
Prof. Dr. techn. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Nejdl: Institute of Data Science, Departmend of Knowledge-based Systems
Medical School Hannover
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Prof. Prof. h. c. Dr. med. Thomas Lenarz: German Hearing Center
Leibniz Lab Organizational Structure

The Team of the "Leibniz Lab for Relational Communication Research" aims to connect all participating institutes and study programs in terms of research and teaching at. The Lab is also collaborating with an (inter)national network in the field of Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy.