© Roland Schneider/Bilderraum Fotostudio
Dr. Hanna Ehlert
Research Staff
Schloßwender Straße 1
30159 Hannover
30159 Hannover
Office hours
from 02.02.2025: appointment by email
© Roland Schneider/Bilderraum Fotostudio
Dr. Hanna Ehlert
Research Staff
Developing technology that allows people to communicate with each other and share thoughts regardless of their special needs or impairments.
Leibniz Lab position
Head of research group TALC-project
Leibniz Lab research projects
- TALC-project (Tools for Analyzing Language and Communication)
Leibniz Lab graduate and postgraduate supervision
Graduate Supervision (Master Theses)
- Wallbaum, M. (2022). Kindliche Spontansprachdaten interdisziplinär und nachhaltig nutzen - Konzeption der TALC-Datenbank mittels einer mehrperspektivischen Bedarfsanalyse
- Bornholt, L. (2022). Reliabilität manueller phonetischer Transkription kindlicher Spontansprache im TALC Projekt
- Bothe, E. (2021). Unterschiede zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen in Bezug auf die Entwicklung automatischer Spracherkennung für sprachtherapeutische Zwecke
Leibniz Lab publications
- Lüdtke, U., Ehlert, H. & Bornman, J. (in press). Emotions in the reception and production of oral texts: TALC as a relational research methodology of communicative dyads and context factors. In Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng (eds.). Handbook on Language and Emotion. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Academic Qualifications
2020 Phd thesis at Leibniz University Hannover 2010 M.Sc. Speech and Language Therapy/Logopedics (HAWK Hildesheim) 2006 B.Sc. Speech and Language Therapy/Logopedics (HAWK Hildesheim) 2003 Degree in Speech-Language Pathology (Hannover Medical School)
Working Experience
since 2017 Research assistant at Leibniz University Hannover (Institute for Special Education, Department of Speech and Language Pedagogy and Therapy) 2010 - 2017 Teaching position at the University of Applied Sciences, Hildesheim (degree courses in Speech-Language Pathology) 2003 - 2012 Speech-Language Pathologist in private practice
Leibniz Lab Research Interests
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Communication, Language Development