Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bodo Rosenhahn
What composes the uniqueness of human communication and how can a computer learn to understand human emotions?
Leibniz Lab position
Overall direction of the Leibniz Lab for Relational Communication Research
Leibniz Lab research projects
- TALC: Tool for Analyzing Language and Communication
- TempS RC: Temporal Structure of Relational Communication
Leibniz Lab graduate and postgraduate supervision
Postgraduate (PhD theses)
- Polzin, C. (2019). Zum Performativen des frühen Dialogs. Eine Fallanalyse in einem tansanischen Waisenheim. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Academic Qualifications
2003 PhD, University of Kiel 1999 Diploma in Computer Science, University of Kiel
Working Experience
since 2008 Professor at the Institute for Information Processing, Leibniz University Hannover 2005 - 2008 Senior Researcher at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken 2003 - 2005 Post Doc position at the University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Leibniz Lab Research Interests
Automated image interpretation, Motion Capture